Future-Forward Female Folios

Future-Forward Female Folio 2.0

(25 Under 25 Edition)

In 2022, we set out on our quest to spotlight and celebrate 25 extraordinary young African women (16 - 24 years old), who are breaking barriers, leading boldly, creating change, redefining narratives and transforming society for good! These young women also model our strongest values of personal transformation, visionary leadership, ethical excellence, and outstanding impact across 7 distinct dimensions of youthful female leadership.

After 2, 000+ nominations, 500 unique nominees and a rigorous selection process; we found our rare gems! The compelling stories of these exceptional young women have now been featured in our Future-Forward Female™ Folio 2.0, a breathtaking photo-documentary showcasing their work, impact and visionary lives.

Please find below the distinct dimensions of inspirational female leadership for which they've been honored.

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Future-Forward Female 25 Under 25 Awards Categories


Visionary Leader

She is a trailblazer, a force of inspiration and leader who has distinguished herself by birthing and building out her vision with courage, excellence and passionate service. She’s pioneering an unusual movement, opening up new frontiers and establishing herself in a previously unchartered territory.


Impact Maker

She has a heart of gold and works hard to solve social problems and create change for people and communities. She’s a bold advocate, who uses advocacy and activism to fearlessly speak out against the ills in our society such as injustice, corruption, rape, police brutality, sexual abuse against boys and girls etc. She is a social reformer and policy shaper.


Transformational Voice

She is an emerging thought-leader who shifts paradigms, create mind-shifts and transforms lives through the power of wisdom that works! She is an embodiment of knowledge and vessel of empowerment. Her work of coaching, counseling, mentoring, educating, authorship or collaborative communities help others produce real results in their lives.


Culture Ambassador

She honors and celebrates her Africa's colorful heritage and culture through music, textile, art, design, fashion, food, literary, visual or performing arts, broadcasting, or other channels of exceptional creativity. She holds our heritage and history dear to heart, infusing our elegance into expressive forms that announce Africa to the world.


Disability Champion

She’s an unstoppable powerhouse, proving that disability is not a limitation. Her grit, guts and gusto leave us super astonished, because of how she does extraordinary things, lives life to the full, and spreads hope through her undaunted and indestructible spirit. Despite adversity and challenges of living with disability, she continues to win like the champion that she is!


Queen of Enterprise

She is a young business leader, building her enterprise with intention, adept to changing markets and growing a strong brand. Her business operates strong standards, serving customers with quality products and services; while growing profitability and remaining socially responsible. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she will change our world!


Partner in Purpose

She passionately serves the vision of another, and does not do it for recognition! Her conviction drives her to stand behind a leader or organization, working diligently to achieve their vision as though she founded it. She’s that super talented intern, employee, executive assistant, social media associate, deputy team lead or general manager who must not go unnoticed!  

Future-Forward Female Folio 1.0

In 2021, we curated an exclusive list of 12 distinguished leading Nigerian women who are breaking barriers, leading boldly, creating change, redefining narratives and transforming society for good. We showcased their extraordinary work, and more importantly, told their passionate stories.

Future-Forward Female Folio 2021 is a breathtaking photo-documentary and a colourful celebration of extraordinary young women who model our strongest values of personal transformation, visionary leadership, ethical excellence, and outstanding impact in their spheres of influence.

For us, what makes it a keepsake is this – each of these Future-Forward Females shared no-holds-barred mentorship guidance, candid advice, industry advisory and behind-the-scene insights – to challenge us into our next-level success! It is a powerful celebration of twelve distinct dimensions of next-level female leadership.

DOWNLOAD the Folio 1.0 as PDF